3 easy ways to raise happier children through empathy

empathy Jul 23, 2023
A kid's torso is only showing. They are holding a paper heart to their heart.

From guest blogger Melanie R.

Teaching empathy can create a whirlwind of positive impacts in our families and our communities. From encouraging altruistic behaviours to reducing injustice and racism, research has taught us that teaching empathy at a young age has the power to transform our society.

Plus, our little ones also benefit greatly when we teach them empathy. Research shows that teaching empathy is not only helpful for their academic success but also for their personal lives by building stronger relationships and helping them become happier individuals.

Based on a survey of more than 220 parents and early childhood caretakers, 95 percent of caretakers are willing to teach empathy. Yet, many struggle to do so on a consistent basis. A lack of time, energy and resources can make teaching empathy difficult to prioritize. Here are three ways to make it a little easier.

Practise self-care

How we treat and speak about our children and others in daily activities has a direct impact on our kid's skill development. Role-modelling empathy in everyday situations is commonly the preferred method for parents to teach their kids empathy, and it’s also indicated as one of the most effective ways to teach empathy through research too.

The greatest barrier to consistently showing empathy? Burnout. Harvard researchers recommend practising self-care and reflection to reduce stress and improve your ability to flex your empathy skills in difficult situations.

Read together

Reading character-driven stories is a great way to develop empathy and make your little reader happier! When focusing on empathy, it can be helpful to consider both the content and your approach to reading.

Prioritizing books with diverse authors, characters and cultures is great for your child’s skill development and understanding of the world around them. When reading together, encourage them to discuss the different perspectives and feelings within a story. By adding questions and discussion to your reading time, you can help foster empathy and build strong discussion habits.

Discuss values-based activities

Participating in and discussing values-based games and activities is a great way to teach empathy. There are countless empathy-teaching resources and games online. No time for trying new activities? Start by discussing helping others.

Whether your family helps the community through philanthropy or volunteering, discussing your actions with your child, even if they are too young to actively participate, can help them develop empathy.


Melanie is an education advocate who has worked with over 30 nonprofits and social enterprises around the globe. Today, she is a senior leader in the social impact sector, a passionate fundraiser, a 2023 International Women's Forum Fellow, a nonprofit Board Director, and most importantly, a mom to two little ones.

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