4 benefits of pediatric chiropractic care

chiropractor pediatrics Aug 10, 2023
A female chiropractor in pink scrubs give a toddler a chiropractic adjustment

From guest blogger Dr. Shaila Callaghan of Frame Fidelity

As parents, we constantly strive to provide the best care and opportunities for our children’s health and development. In our pursuit of holistic well-being, pediatric chiropractic care has caught the attention of many parents and professionals. While chiropractic care has long been associated with adults, the benefits of care for children are becoming increasingly recognized. Here, we will explore the numerous advantages that pediatric chiropractic care offers, casting light on how it can contribute to the overall health and wellness of our kiddos.

How is pediatric chiropractic care different than care for adults?

One of the primary advantages of pediatric chiropractic care is its gentle and non-invasive nature. Pediatric chiropractors utilize specific techniques that are tailored to suit a child’s developing body. Looking after our bodies should feel safe, comfortable and fun. As children are not small adults and have very different skeletons, a low-force and gentle approach ensures the comfort and safety of the child during treatment.

What are the benefits of chiropractic care for children?

Promoting Healthy Growth and Development: The early stages of a child’s life are critical for their growth and development over time. Pediatric chiropractic care focuses on optimizing the spinal, muscular and nervous systems by addressing spinal and skeletal mobility, muscular tension patterns and nervous system regulation. Through these channels, chiropractic care helps allow for optimal development of motor skills, coordination and overall physical well-being.

Alleviating Common Childhood Conditions: Pediatric chiropractic care has long been known to provide relief for various common childhood conditions. For instance, colic, ear infections and acid reflux are a few conditions that many infants and young children experience. Gentle chiropractic adjustments, mobilizations and myofascial work can help alleviate discomfort by improving mobility, increasing drainage and releasing tension that contributes to and is associated with these conditions. Chiropractic offers a natural, safe, drug-free, and effective complementary approach to traditional treatments.

Encouraging Healthy Posture and Spinal Health: As the twig is bent, so grows the tree. As our kids grow, their bodies are subjected to various physical stresses and strains. Poor posture, heavy backpacks, excessive screen time, and multiple childhood bumps and falls can all contribute to spinal and skeletal stress. Pediatric chiropractic care focuses on maintaining or restoring proper spinal alignment and movement, which can promote good posture, reduce the risk of spinal abnormalities, and improve overall spinal health, growth, and development.

Encouraging Health Practices and Self-Care: It is never too early to learn that living in a body is hard work. In fact, looking after our one and only body is our life’s work. Pediatric chiropractors educate kids and parents about their growing bodies and how to care for them as they develop and change over time. Developing healthy habits early in life contributes to the overall impact of maintaining healthy habits as we age.

Pediatric chiropractic care offers a range of benefits that contribute to the overall health and well-being of our children. By utilizing gentle and non-invasive techniques, chiropractors offer a holistic and complementary approach to pediatric health. If you are considering pediatric chiropractic for your child, consult with a qualified and experienced chiropractor to ensure the best possible care for your little one.


Dr. Shaila is a family wellness chiropractor with over a decade of experience in perinatal and pediatric care. She is Webster technique certified, holds multiple pediatric certifications and is a trusted expert in her field. She is a mother, a knitter, and a lover of hugs and sunshine. Her passion for family health and wellness is evident in all areas of her life. Dr. Shaila sees patients of all ages at her clinic, Frame Fidelity, in Midtown Toronto. Connect with her @framefidelity on Instagram—she'd love to be friends!

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