From the expert: 4 tips for preparing you and your child for potty training
Oct 01, 2023
From our 2023 resident scholar and potty-training expert Rebecca Lampert of Two P's In a Potty.
Potty training is a big milestone in your child’s life, and I am here to provide you with some tips to prepare yourself and your child for potty training.
Read potty-related books and watch potty-related videos
There are so many good books out there that talk about potty training in a kid-friendly way. Reading—and then talking—with your child about potty training is a good way to start the conversation. You can also take advantage of the fact that your child is visual right now and watch some potty videos with them. Daniel Tiger has a great video for kids.
Take your child to the bathroom with you
While this most likely is a regular occurrence in your house, actively taking your child with you when you need to use the bathroom can help normalize the whole experience. If your little one sees that Mom and Dad stop what they're doing and go to the bathroom when they need to, and everything is okay, they will feel that they are able to do it as well.
Get them involved
Having your child involved in the preparations for potty training should get them excited to start. You can have them come with you when you go shopping for a potty, as well as let them choose their underwear. If you are planning to use rewards, you can also have them set up a reward chart with you to build the excitement.
Be set up with a plan
By working with a potty-training consultant, your family can be set up with a customized plan to support you during potty training best. Through all the ups and downs and bumps in the road, you will have someone in your back pocket to answer any questions that may come up. A potty training plan is a step-by-step outline of what you should be doing during the first few days of potty training. No research is needed on your part as a parent, as it has all been done for you. Included in this plan is also how you can prepare, and a supply list of items to have on hand.
Rebecca Lampert is the owner of Two P’s In A Potty and a certified potty-training consultant and Oh Crap consultant. She is able to help you determine the readiness of your child and create a plan for you to follow, all while supporting you along the way. Her job is to make the process as smooth as possible for you and your family without all the additional stress.
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