From the expert: 5 things tidy homes get right—and what your tidy friend isn't telling you

experts organization tidying May 10, 2024
A box of clothes lay on a bed, like someone is going through their closet to tidy it

From resident scholar Brittnei Gaudio, owner and head nester of wellnested Living Co.

We all have one of those super tidy friends whose homes look like no one lives there and make you feel instantly inadequate the minute you step through the door, yes? If someone just popped to mind and you've always wondered how they do it, then this article is for you!

Before we get started, we are going to leave the shame and feelings of inadequacy at the top of this scroll. There is no room for that here. That friend is tidy—yes—but you are about to learn HOW to make this happen in your own home, and it has nothing to do with your personal worth, skill, or value. 


Great! Let's jump in. 

They keep inventory levels low & manageable 

With less stuff, you can optimize your storage, keep the visual clutter at bay, keep your surfaces clear, and maintain that sense of tidiness day in and day out. Less stuff means less to store, organize, clean, dust, wash, fold, disseminate, etc. 

Finding the right level of inventory for your home can feel tricky, especially if you have kids or a partner with conflicting views. But the best way to do this is to commit to a decluttering session, use these 4 questions to assess your existing stock and make your stuff fit your space.

Everything should…

  • have a home when not in use and a clear and accessible place to be returned to.
  • be utilized frequently enough to earn its place in your home. Outside of keepsakes, I like to use 6 months as the absolute limit for usage.
  • be functional—not broken, ripped, chipped or damaged 
They establish a cadence for reset

This means these homes DO get lived in, and they DO get messy—but they get reset on a daily basis so the mess and clutter of the day don't carry over. Not only does this practice keep maintaining the home manageable, but it also helps…

  • prevent lost or misplaced items
  • encourages active participation of all members of the family
  • prevent build-up and task overwhelm, meaning it never gets to the point of feeling insurmountable or a lost cause
  • keeps conflict at bay because overstimulation from clutter is a big contributor to partner and parent/child squabbles

Snag a copy of our Daily Reset Checklist here.

They put systems in place within the home that help even on the worst days

Even your tidy friend gets tired, sick, busy or, heck, even lazy. And because they have systems established within their home, their stuff is easily managed without a significant lift or effort on their part.

In short, they put in the work up front to make their daily routines easier. They likely have…

  • an established entryway system to make coming and going easier
  • a schedule or cadence for full-cycle laundry
  • a fuss-free bathroom/vanity situation
  • a place for all the paperwork, mail, change and keys so they don't end up on their surfaces
  • established toy storage solutions that everyone can follow
They understand fundamentally that tidy = calm

This may seem frivolous, but like any other guiding principle or value we hold within our family structure, embracing the impact our home has on our well-being is foundational to maintaining a tidy home. It isn't just about the aesthetics, it isn't about keeping up with the Joneses, and it is totally unrelated to status or worth.

Rather, it's about creating a space where everyone in the family can relax, connect, unwind, be creative, be productive, and, most importantly, rest. This cannot be done in a chaotic, cluttered, messy home. 

Once everyone is bought into that family value, all the other behaviours and habits become easier to maintain and enforce. 

They have help

There, I said it. Very rarely can someone be everything all the time. We aren't meant to do and be everything, either. So, the reality is that your tidy friend likely has help—either a regular hired cleaner (like a cleaner) or a one-time/irregular service, like wellnested Living Co., that helped them establish the foundation. Or, they have help with other life things (childcare, cooking, driving, dog walking, etc.) so they can create and maintain the house you see. 

And that's 1,000% okay. I am all about asking for help, getting help in the areas where I am not strong, and creating a web of support so I can chase after the things that are most important to me. 

And I want that for you, too! 

  • Snag a copy of our FREE Daily Reset Checklist here
  • Book a free consultation & explore the help available to you here (no more gatekeeping, tidy friend!)


Brittnei Gaudio is a corporate escapee turned owner & head nester of wellnested Living Co. She is passionate about mom’s mental health and believes we can seal up our leaky buckets of energy reserves by reducing friction in our daily routines with a little less stuff and a little more intention. wellnested Living Co. specializes in turning chaos into order, optimizing your home so you can feel calmer and wellnested. Based in Burlington, they have a whole host of in-home & virtual services. Find more information here.

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