Mom Halo Holiday Gift Guide 2023

gift guide gifting Nov 26, 2023

Take the stress out of finding that perfect gift for the people you love with some of Alana's favourite picks that you'll love. 

For the athelete

Toloco Massage Gun, $69.99

For the gal who walks everywhere

Dream Pairs Women's Elastic Chelsea Boots, $59.99

For the person who hates being cold

Orolay Women's Thickened Down Jacket, $163.09

For the mom who is sick of meal planning

Feeding kids can be hard sh*t and sometimes you need a laugh! You’ll Eat It & You’ll Like It is a comedic and profanity-filled cookbook filled to the brim with easy and delicious meals your kids will actually eat! It’s the perfect gift for any parent who loves a healthy dose of dark humour and eating great food. Each recipe is accompanied by a gorgeous full-page photo and directions that sound like they’re written by your BFF. Brought to you by Tiktok’s sensational smart-ass, staceygreenliving. (And look for her on Breakfast Television on December 6th!)

You'll Eat It & You'll Like It Cookbook, $39.99


For the mover and shaker

Xukk Women's Long Puffer Vest, $72.99 

For the family

Nintendo Switch Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Bundle, $399.96

For the busy parent

Skylight 15-in. Digital Calendar, $399.99

For the smart home

Echo Show 15, $329.99


For the energetic kiddo

Fitbit Ace 3 Activity Tracker, $99


For the money-savvy kid

Rafasy Kids Piggy Bank, $47.99


For the teacher

Yeti Rambler Lowball, $57.62


For your Peloton friend

Peleton Glass Water Bottle, $23.46


 For the weight trainer

Feishiong Adjustable Kettlebell Handle, $25.28


For the person who gets a lot of packages delivered

Eufy Doorbell Camera, $199.99


For the person who just moved house

Moen Magnetix Handheld Shower Head, $92.99


For your partner

ByDiffer Water Flosser, $39.99


For the neat freak

Bissel Hand Vacuum, $53.91


For the budding chef

Cuisinart 15-piece Knife Set, $137.56


For that person who somehow *still* doesn't have an air fryer

Ninja AF101C Air Fryer, $139.99


For the white elephant party

Now Designs Butter Dish, $18


For your BFF

SWOMOG Women's 4-piece Sating Pyjama Set, $41.99

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