5 ways naturopathic medicine can support you during your perinatal journey

naturopathic medicine perinatal Aug 16, 2023
A Black pregnant woman sits cross-legged on a wood floor in legging and a sports bra.

From guest blogger Dr. Angelica Dimita of Frame Fidelity

The perinatal journey—from planning to conceive and navigating the postpartum phase—although joyful and exciting, can sometimes be overwhelming, exhausting and really challenging. More often than not, it can be hard to know how or where to get support. Naturopathic medicine offers many therapies that can help you mentally, emotionally and physically. Here are five reasons you should seek out naturopathic care during your perinatal journey:

To Establish a Starting Point

Naturopathic doctors can send you to get the necessary lab work for your health concerns and goals. Lab testing can be one of the first steps when planning to conceive, or even keep track of your postpartum health, because it gives us a baseline. From there, we can create a treatment plan that will optimize your health!

To Manage Pregnancy Symptoms

Nausea, fatigue, headaches and food aversion are among many of the pregnancy challenges that moms face. Naturopathic doctors have the expertise to identify the right supplements and herbs to improve these symptoms, while always prioritizing safety. Acupuncture is also a safe, gentle and effective way to help deal with these unwanted symptoms.

To Get Breastfeeding Support

Naturopathic doctors can help with promoting lactation and overcoming breastfeeding challenges. Incorporating certain herbs and creating an achievable dietary plan (even something as simple as increasing your water intake!) can enhance milk production.

To Prepare for Labour

Naturopathic medicine offers natural and non-invasive techniques to promote labour onset. Acupuncture and acupressure have been used for thousands of years for inducing labour and preparing the body for a smooth labour experience.

To Improve Your Recovery Postpartum

Burnout, exhaustion and overwhelm are all very common postpartum feelings. Naturopathic medicine can help to address the root cause of these feelings, which can be nutritional deficiencies, poor sleep hygiene, inadequate protein intake, high stress or any combination of these things.

Whether you have specific health concerns or just want to optimize your health, naturopathic medicine is there to support you. It can provide transformative tools to help you be the best version of yourself, wherever you are in your perinatal journey.


Dr. Angelica is a naturopathic doctor practising in Toronto at Frame Fidelity and Oakville at C’est La Vie Wellness. With a passion for the art and science of naturopathic medicine, she loves creating evidence-informed treatment plans unique to every one of her patients. She has experience working with all ages, and loves meeting all members of the family! You can find her on instagram @dr.angelica.nd for more educational content.

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