4 ways to support your family's immune systems

immune system nutrition Apr 14, 2024

From guest blogger, certified nutritional practitioner Barb Handy 

When my son started school, I dreamed of all the cute handmade Mother’s Day cards and adorable handprint artwork. I wasn’t fully prepared for how sick we would all be. As soon as we started feeling better, he would come home with a new virus. Sounds familiar?

As a trained nutritional practitioner, I knew there was a natural way to keep us healthier through the next winter season and recover faster the next time we got sick.

One of the best ways to support your family’s immune system is to support the gut microbiome. Eighty percent (yes, 80%!) of your immune system lives in your gut, so feeding the good bacteria is key.
I’m going to share with you the best foods you can eat to feed your microbiome and my favourite go-to supplements to support your immune system and speed up the healing process.

Feed your microbiome to support your immune system

One of the most important things we can do is eat a whole foods diet with plant diversity. Diversity isn’t just about eating the colours of the rainbow, but it is also focusing on the diversity of each of these plant foods. We are including vegetables, fruits, nuts/seeds, herbs and spices and drinking different types of herbal teas. By diversity we also mean that a Granny Smith apple is a different plant diversity from a Gala apple. Rotating the types of each plant food you buy when you are shopping is key. If you are experiencing digestive difficulties, this could be the root cause of why you’re sick all the time. Working with a gut health practitioner would be an important next step for you.

Use a high-quality probiotic

Pro tip: The best, most diverse and economical probiotics you’ll ever find is through food. Eating fermented foods at least four to seven times a week will provide you with all the probiotics you’ll ever need. You can choose from kimchi, kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut and pickles that are in the refrigerator aisle. Add miso to flavour your foods, and use apple cider vinegar (with mother) on your salads and organic tempeh for a protein-packed meal.

Of course, you can still use a professional-quality probiotic along with your plant-diverse diet. If you’re not sure what probiotic will be best for you, make sure to ask for advice at your local supplement shop rather than taking it into your own hands so you can get the best results.

Consistency is key here because probiotics are transient, which means they don’t stick around, so make sure you get them in every day!

Don't forget the sunshine vitamin

One purpose of vitamin D is to keep our immune system healthy and happy. Our body needs at least 15 to 20 minutes of direct sun exposure to synthesize this vitamin. This is very difficult in Canada, where we spend most of the year bundled up in our parkas.
You can request your doctor to run a blood test to see if you are deficient. The lab ranges will show that anything between 25 ng/ml and 30 ng/ml is normal however, the optimal amount of vitamin D we require is at least 50 ng/ml or higher.
Between September and the end of April, it is recommended that adults take 2000IU per day of vitamin D and 500IU per day for children, but always consult with your practitioner for the best dosing for your body.

Learn the magic of herbal medicine

All of the above are the foundations of a healthy immune system, and we can also use herbs to help prevent the spread of a virus and recover in half the time.
Two of the most magical herbs I use for my family are oil of oregano and elderberry. 
Oil of oregano is an antimicrobial, which means it helps to kill bacteria. This herb should only be used when you start to feel a cold coming on, not preventatively. 
As soon as I start feeling like I’m coming down with a cold, I start by taking 5 drops of oil of oregano in either 1 to 2oz of water or orange juice up to three times per day. Consistency is key, so make sure to keep taking it every day until you feel like you’re no longer getting sick. It is perfectly safe for adults to use but can be too harsh for children—I would recommend elderberry syrup for them.
Elderberry syrup is amazing for kids when they’re sick. It not only helps to fight the infection, but it also supports the immune system. You can start as soon as symptoms arise or as a preventative if you have someone at home with a cold or flu. I noticed a major reduction of symptoms in my son using elderberry, and his colds always last half as long as they used to.
Make sure you consult your doctor or practitioner before starting any herbs or supplements, and keep these tips and tricks in mind before the next school year begins and start to see the magic of nutrition and plant medicine at its best.

Looking for expert help to reset your digestion and get you feeling back to your best? Come check out my signature three-month program, where we take you from bloated, altered bowels, brain fog and food restrictions to feeling comfortable in your clothes and knowing you can eat your favourite foods again and not pay for them later.
Get your free guide to reducing belly bloat and make sure you explore my program if you're interested in one-on-one guidance. 

And don't forget to follow me on Instagram to learn more about why you have digestive symptoms.


Barb Handy is a top-rated certified nutritional practitioner with a focus on IBS/SIBO, heartburn/reflux and H.Pylori.

With more than five years of experience, she has helped hundreds of clients and students heal their IBD, Crohn's and colitis, candida and pesky parasites.

Like millions of people, she suffered from extreme digestive issues and worked with over nine different practitioners before she found relief in the exact protocols that she uses to help her clients and students today. Working with her by your side means you have the best digestive detective helping you get to the root cause of your digestive struggles and healing your gut for good.

When she's not talking about gut health, you can find her cuddling with my son and dogs, knitting or crocheting, drinking lots of tea, watching Coronation Street or getting out into the Canadian woods.

Learn more at Digestive Health Academy.

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