Weekend Binge: Our Picks for Flicks, TV shows, Books and podcasts.
Jan 29, 2022
Weekend Binge: Watch/Read/Listen Picks Jan 2022
If you can stash away some time for yourself, these are mom halo-approved binge-able content you can snack on all weekend long.
Check out the "why" below with links!
GETTING CURIOUS with Jonathan Van Ness - Who does not LOVE Jonathan? Based on his very popular podcast series, JVN interviews interesting people, and engages in topics, only in a way he can. This will for sure deliver! JVN is legit like a heavenly content maker and brings rainbows and joy everywhere he goes.
Amazon Prime
Yellowstone- If you are Anything like me, you are late to this game, but once you take a bite of the first ( very long) episode, you will be hooked on the sexy cowboys' meets dancing with the wolves style.
Encanto- It is a fantastic tale for kiddos and adults. This film is playing in theatres across the country, so if you have Disney+ at home, it's worthwhile the watch. IT cost $24 just to go to a movie these days in the GTA, and you cannot even eat popcorn, so make it a snack and issue party at home, cause we were all crying by the end, tears of joy, and love. My 5-year-old said, " that was the best movie I have ever seen".
Chicken Sisters, written by K.J. Dell'Antonia,is both an INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER and on REESE'S BOOK CLUB PICK. "A charming, hilarious, feel-good story about the kind of bonds & rivalries only sisters can share. Also, a great present for your sister!!"--Reese WitherspoonThree generations. Click here
What happens when you don't have the same beliefs or background as your stepchildren? Author Rachel Edwards and other step mums join Katie Harrison to share their stories of the challenges and judgment.
#bingewatch #netflix #jvn #yellowstone #ehchanto #thechickesisters #areyouthenanny #podcast #momhalo
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