What is a postpartum doula?

doula postpartum Jul 31, 2023

From guest blogger Jaquie Dason of Frame Fidelity

Postpartum doulas are making a comeback in a post-pandemic world as new parents are realizing that they need—and deserve!—all the help they can get. As an integral part of a new parent’s support system, postpartum doulas offer compassionate support and guidance during the first few weeks or months after the birth of their baby.

What kinds of services do postpartum doulas provide?

Emotional support: Postpartum doulas offer a compassionate ear, providing parents a safe space to express their feelings, joys, and concerns without judgment. Their empathetic support helps strengthen emotional resilience, empowering parents to navigate the ups and downs of early parenthood, whether it’s their first or fifth time!

Feeding assistance: Postpartum doulas are well-versed in breastfeeding, bottle feeding, formula feeding and pumping techniques and can provide valuable guidance to help moms overcome feeding hurdles.

Practical help: Postpartum doulas lend a helping hand with light household chores, ensuring that moms have more time to focus on bonding with their babies and nurturing their own well-being.

Newborn care expertise: Postpartum doulas offer expert guidance on diapering, soothing techniques, sleep routines and understanding a baby’s cues, empowering parents with confidence and knowledge.

Self-care advocacy: Postpartum doulas remind moms of the importance of self-nurturing and help them carve out moments of relaxation and rejuvenation while the doula cares for the baby.

Community connections: Postpartum doulas are well-connected within their communities, providing moms with access to valuable, helping navigate any difficulties connecting them with other moms.

There are two different roles for postpartum doulas, each with its own set of responsibilities: day doulas and night doulas. Day doulas primarily work during daylight hours, offering mainly the physical and emotional support piece. Whereas night doulas work during the night, ensuring the whole household gets much-needed rest. Choosing between the two depends on individual family preferences and needs, but both play crucial roles in supporting and empowering new parents during this transformative time. It's entirely up to the new parents and what makes them most comfortable. 

An extra set of hands during those early stages of parenthood is always a good idea!


In my role as a postpartum doula, new parent educator and infant sleep consultant, I’ve encountered a variety of families with unique preferences and needs. While some welcome the presence of a doula in their home, others may prefer different avenues of emotional and informational support. That is why, in addition to in-home daytime support, I also offer newborn care support through virtual and in-clinic consultations at Frame Fidelity. These flexible options provide parents with the opportunity to ask any questions they may have and receive personalized guidance that is specific to their baby’s individual needs and circumstances. My goal is to help you make a smooth transition to life with a newborn, providing you with the support and confidence you need to thrive during this special and challenging time. Please reach out if you want to learn more about me and what I do, and check out Frame Fidelity as well.  

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